Onsite Heat Treatment
Pre-Heating, Post Heating, Intermediate Stress Relieving Post Weld Heat Treatment, Shrink Fitting, Normalizing, Refractory Dry out Coating Curing.
- By Localized Electrical Heating Method:
Localized heating of pipes, Cir-seam joints, heat exchangers and structural job by Electrical heat treatment method.
- By Internal Heating Method: (Whole Jobs)
Jobs such as Pressure Vessels, L.P.G. Bullets, L.P.G. mounded Bullets, Column, Horton Sphere, Thin Wall Tank etc. heat treated by HIGH VELOCITY OIL FIRED BURNER SYSTEM (Internal Heating Method). These jobs can be carried out at works site in position.
- By Permanent Or Modular Or Temporary Furnace Heating Method:
(by electrical or Oil/Gas-fired burner) By this method we can heat treat the job such as Pressure Vessel, Bullet and Structural job by erecting Temporary Furnace at works or site.
- Refractory Dryout / Coating Curing By Internal Heating Using High Velocity Gas Or Oil-fired Burner System.